SPETA is proud to announce the following activities on 19 October (Thurs, 10am - 11am) 2023 at ITAP, Singapore EXPO, Industrial Innovation Stage.
We welcome member and non-members alike to join us at the Singapore EXPO to mark these two important events.
Interested parties can register their complimentary trade visitor pass via this link : https://ter.li/110eds
10:00 - 10:30
Circular Manufacturing Alliance MOU signing
Circular Manufacturing Alliance MOU signing
A Circular Manufacturing Alliance MOU signing at 10:00 am between five of our members : Continuum, Tritan, Shin Seiki, AME International and Forefront AM. Under this MOU, the alliance members will initiate a collaborative project for the purpose of demonstrating the concept of Circular Manufacturing in Singapore by leveraging their respective domain expertise.
10:30 - 11:00
MOU signing between SPETA and the Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP)
MOU signing between SPETA and the Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP)
A MOU signing at 10:30 am between SPETA and the Institute for HR Professionals (IHRP) to put in place Learning Circles to train SPETA members’ staff in the good HR practices described in our Manufacturing Employer Handbook launched one year ago at ITAP 2022. We have already conducted one run with good results and this MOU will cement our partnership to do even more.